Kellen's Redemption (Hell Raiders MC) Page 9
Kellen took a chance and slid his arm around her shoulders. "Good you're helping them, then. That's what a good leader does."
Rather than pull away, she put her own arm around his waist and moved closer. "That's what my father always said. Take care of your people first and foremost, if you want them to take care of you. Seemed like a good rule."
Heart pounding with her response, Kellen struggled for an answer that made sense. "Yeah, it does." He searched for something else to say. "You hungry? I think Tanya has something to eat ready in the kitchen."
She nodded. "Yeah, I think I am." Gold eyes lit with an almost eerie glow. "Thank you for helping me."
Kellen grunted. "You're paying me, remember?"
"Yes, but I know you're putting your own people in danger to help mine. Money doesn't make much difference in that kind of thing."
"So why are you?"
He considered in silence, wary of saying too much or anything that might offend. "I'd do the same for any friend."
"Is that what I am now? Not your woman?" A small frown line sat directly between her brows, worrying him.
Now what the fuck was he going to do? "Which do you want to be?" Straight forward seemed like the best bet.
She looked up at him again. "Do you want an honest answer?"
"Yeah, I do. If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked." Of course, the thought of an honest answer made his belly roll.
She sighed. "I'm not sure. I'm kind of in favor of both. Ask me in the morning?"
"I definitely will." At least she hadn't outright rejected the thought of being his woman this time. "Hungry?"
"Starved all of a sudden."
In the kitchen, Tanya had arranged an assembly line from the girls who hung around the clubhouse. Two chopped veggies for a salad, another stirred something on the stove, and another washed pots. Several steaming bowls and platters sat on the long buffet counter.
The former slave looked up as they entered, and gave Vicki a tentative smile. "Hi, I'm Tanya. Anything you or your people need food-wise, just let me know."
Vicki turned on the charm. "Thank you. I can't believe how you've all made us so welcome. It had to be quite a shock to have us descend on you so suddenly."
Tanya actually laughed, something Kellen had never heard her do. "Not much. We're used to having other clubs drop in unannounced. At least we had a couple hours warning." She bent to check something in the oven. "Do you happen to know exactly how many children there are?"
Vicki nodded. "Seven, with one infant and one toddler." She moved away from Kellen. "Can I do anything to help?"
"Oh, no, sweetie, you must be exhausted. Everything will be ready in less than five minutes, so you just have time to freshen up."
The pair exchanged a few more words while Kellen looked on in amazement. The transformation in Tanya seemed surreal. He could never have imagined her being so at ease in any situation. Apparently, she needed a bit more responsibility around the place. That might help her get beyond some of what had happened to her before Trip found her. He'd be sure and talk to Trip about it later.
Vicki disappeared in the direction of the nearest bathroom and Kellen wandered out of the kitchen to where a handful of Raiders sat sipping beers. Lefty raised his bottle in a salute as Kellen neared.
Stella looked up, just returned from his shift guarding Stags Leap. "Hey, boss. Hear you're getting you an ol' lady." The giant grinned. "'Bout fucking time. Maybe you'll be in a better mood."
Kellen shook his head, prepared to take the good-natured shit. That price had to be paid for staking a claim in public the way he had. "You boys know better than that. I'm a confirmed bachelor."
"From what I hear, it sure didn't look like that." Stella went on to tease a little more, then changed the subject. "Boss, you think this shit will work out?"
Kellen paused before answering. He had to say something. "I do. We're ready to meet just about anything here, even though this is a different enemy than we expected. If need be, we'll slip away and just keep picking them off until they're all convinced to go back to the city."
The others nodded, ready to agree. The idea of sending some city-slicker wannabe bad guy packing back to the city appealed greatly to them. Stella grinned. "Yeah, they might be tough in the concrete jungle, but this is a different world. By the time the bugs and the mud and the Wild Man finish with them, I doubt we'll have much of a job to do."
The others laughed and quickly began trading city-slicker stories. Everyone who lived in Stags Leap had dozens of them. While most homes in the area now had indoor plumbing, locals greatly enjoyed sending outsiders to the outhouse.
Vicki appeared from the hall and headed back toward the kitchen. Ignoring whatever else the Raiders might have to say, Kellen started in her direction. When she noticed his approach, she smiled. She took his hand and led him toward the kitchen, leaving him to puzzle over her behavior.
Did she welcome the idea of being his woman? Or was she just pretending so he'd protect her and her people? And how could he ever know the difference?
Tanya called everyone to dinner and Vicki separated to help the children get their plates. She spoke quietly to Tanya, and he suspected she'd asked plates be put back for that little boy and his momma.
Finally, after maybe half the crowd had their food, she looked up and grinned. "You going to get your plate, baby?"
And like an idiot, he did exactly as she suggested, much to the amusement of several of the guys already in line ahead of him. Damn, he couldn't wait to get her into his bed and get to work on being done with her. His rep couldn't take much more of this.
The meal passed pleasantly enough, with conversation buzzing around them. Kellen found seats for Vicki and himself at the end of the bar, away from the others. The food was simple and hearty, but very good, at least in Kellen's opinion. Surprisingly, he found himself anxious over Vicki's opinion, as if it mattered in the grand scheme of things. As far as he was concerned, Tanya and her girls had done a fantastic job putting a meal together for so many people.
But still, he watched as Vicki tasted first the corn bread, then the fried potatoes. Not saying anything, she moved on to the venison roast in gravy and noodles, sampled the table pickles, and finally another bite of cornbread.
"My God, this is delicious! You should have told me you had a chef here worthy of Evangeline's."
Despite his doubt, her expression promised sincerity. "You serious? This is just everyday stuff. Nothing special."
Vicki stared at him for a moment and took another bite of her venison. "No, baby, you're wrong. This is unique and delicious. People in New York and Boston and LA will pay a fortune for food like this."
Passing by, Tanya overheard and smiled, but continued on without saying anything.
"Vicki, this is everyday cooking here. People here still work hard physically and eat whatever the land has to offer. I know it would be unique in a big city, like some kind of novelty. We don't much appreciate being looked at as a novelty."
She shrugged and took another bite. "Whatever you say, baby. I'm just saying, there's a hell of a lot of money to be made for someone in this. Tanya might like to get in on that."
Yeah, true. She might. Kellen considered the idea, seeking some way to make it feasible.
Chapter Fifteen
Lost in thought, Kellen only picked at his food, content to watch Vicki enjoy hers. When she insisted on joining the kitchen clean-up, he gritted his teeth, but said nothing. She seemed determined to drag out the evening as long as possible and make him wait forever to get her in his bed. Well, two could play at that game. He excused himself to get a shower before the rush started. She could wait her turn and track him down whenever she finished everything else.
He made it quick in the shower, not wanting to use all the hot water. Not to mention, he had no intention of waiting too long for Vicki. Shit… his room. He'd better hurry and check that nothing nasty had been left in there. It would put a s
erious crimp in things for her to find a used condom or some other woman's panties in his bed.
He gave his room a quick once over, including a healthy dose of air freshener. At least there shouldn't be any unpleasant distractions. By then, he refused to wait any longer. He stomped back out to the main living area, wearing the sweat pants he'd donned as a consideration to civilian women in the house.
The other Raiders spotted his murderous glower and gave him a wide berth. Someone pointed toward the kitchen, accurately guessing his target. He paused in the doorway and watched as she laughed at something one of the girls said and dried a baking dish. Damn, she was gorgeous.
"Hey, Vicki, you about done here? Something we need to discuss."
The other women fell silent and got back to work on the dishes, studiously ignoring him. Vicki turned to him. "Sorry, baby, I need to help finish up. I'll find you when I'm done."
A collective gasp rose. Tanya took the baking dish and towel gently from Vicki. "Oh, no sweetie. You've had a long day. Go and get some rest."
"You're sure?"
"Of course. Now hush and go before he gets pissed."
Vicki glanced around at the other women and, seeing the same thing echoed in each face, gave a little shrug. "Okay, then. Goodnight everyone, and thank you again."
Good. Seemed like he might get her to his bed without making a scene after all. As they passed through the living room, someone called her name, and despite Kellen's grip on her hand, she turned to answer.
"Sorry, Miss Mihalovich. I just needed to ask where you'll be spending the night in case we need to reach you." One of her men, heavily muscled and all clean cut movie star looking, stared pointedly at where Kellen's hand surrounded hers.
"It's okay, Dwayne. I'll be—"
"You can text if you need her. Where she sleeps is no one's business." Kellen knew he'd hear it for cutting in, but he drew the line at that.
"Uh, sorry, m'man, but I take my orders from Miss Mihalovich."
Kellen stepped up close and thrust Vicki behind him, even though she attempted to step between them. "Listen up, buddy. You're under my roof. You take orders from me. Now, if you'd rather not, you can take your chances with the Russians. And that goes for any of your buddies that try to cross me. I don't take that shit lightly. Understood?"
A resentful scowl covered the man's face, but he nodded and stepped back.
Kellen deliberately turned his back, but Vicki pulled away. Damn it, now what?
"Thank you for your concern, Dwayne. We're safe here, so don't worry about me. I'm—"
Kellen growled. "You heard the lady, don't worry about her. I promise, I won't bite her any harder than she wants." Finished with the delays, Kellen bent to scoop Vicki into a fireman's carry, head down over his shoulder.
She shrieked and pounded her fists against his shoulders. Damn, woman had a punch and a half on her, especially considering she had no leverage.
"Stop trying to beat the hell out of me, Vicki."
"Put me down, you fucking bastard!" She redoubled her efforts and a stray half kick came dangerously close to his balls.
"Enough!" He brought his palm down hard on her ass.
She froze for an instant, long enough for him to think she'd stopped fighting and relax a little. Suddenly she let go with a monumental effort and slammed linked fists into his kidney area, then threw her weight to the side, unbalancing him.
He grunted and scrambled to keep to his feet, with no luck. Either way, he refused to release her. They tumbled, and he managed to turn and take most of the impact on his opposite shoulder. On the floor, he took advantage of his greater weight and pinned her quickly before she could do more damage.
Red-faced, she actually growled. "Let. Me. Go." She writhed under him, testing his restraint mightily as she ground her pelvis against his sudden hard-on.
"Little girl, you might want to stop doing that. I'm a little impatient. I might just strip those jeans down and have you right here."
She froze, a look of something between horror and fear crossing her face. "You wouldn't dare."
He shook his head. "Careful what you dare me to do. Chances are, I've done it one time or another. Now, little girl, you ready to get up and come along peacefully before I forget where we are?"
She nodded vigorously through her mad. "Okay."
Refusing to trust her after the earlier play, he cautiously released her shoulders. She lay still. He moved quickly, careful to avoid the trajectory of her knees, and climbed to his feet, pulling her up. In deliberate provocation, he slowly released her hand and turned his back to head for the hallway. At any moment he expected something, anything, to plunge between his shoulder blades or take his head off. But she followed. Well, at least her shoes did.
At the opening to the hallway, he turned and offered his hand, hoping to make peace. She stared at him for a full minute, then slowly put her fingers in his. Uproarious applause filled the living room. Before he turned to lead her to his room, Kellen caught Dix's eye and nodded toward that Dwayne bastard. Fucker needed to disappear.
As soon as his door closed behind them, she wheeled on him, her palm landing on his jaw with enough force to rock him back on his heels. "How dare you humiliate me like that?"
"Little girl, I gave you every chance. That fucker was trying to challenge me. All but saying he had a prior claim and meant to have you. I kind of hoped you weren't interested in him at the moment." He rubbed his jaw. "Your daddy did a good job teaching you to fight."
"Oh, stop it. He was only expressing concern."
"No. He was saying he would interrupt whatever we would be doing. And he meant to do it in person, not by phone."
A look of mild disgust crossed her face for a moment. "You really think so?"
"I know so. I've dealt with that sort hundreds of times. Now, since I didn't kill him for it, I'll have to keep looking over my shoulder. Because as sure as the sun rises, he's going to try to take me down."
"Surely he couldn't imagine I would have anything to do with him? I've known him since he was a child. And I suspect he uses steroids to get all those muscles."
Kellen grinned. "No doubt."
"You know what they say about steroids, right?"
"What's that?"
"Big muscles, small dick."
Kellen laughed. "I hope I don't have that problem."
"No, baby, you sure don't." Suddenly as hot as she'd been cold a few minutes earlier, she dropped to her knees and dragged down his sweat pants. "Absolute perfection." She brushed her lips against him and nearly sent him into orbit.
Unwilling to go fast, he drew back. "Not yet, little girl. Come on." He helped her back up and pulled her to him.
She resisted slightly. "Why not? I want to."
"And I want you to. Just a little too much. I don't plan on this being over quickly, so I need a little time."
A satisfied smile lit her face. "Really?"
"Really. That okay with you?"
"Oh yeah, it sure is." She licked her lips and brought her hands to his chest.
Those lips tempted him beyond reason, and Kellen leaned in to taste them again. She opened for him in wordless invitation and he lost no time accepting. Damn, her kiss was enough to drive him over the edge. At the edge of his restraint, he pulled away, breathing hard. He needed distance, right away.
"Tell me something?" Maybe talking would help.
"Okay?" Puzzled, almost hurt-looking, she waited.
"Why did you fight me? And why are you sometimes so cold, then turn into this amazingly hot woman?" The answers to those questions suddenly seemed vitally important. He didn't bother to question why.
"I fought you because I don't like being bossed around. I do things my way in my time. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." The apology didn't sound all that sincere.
"Okay, that makes sense. Just so you know, I'm used to people, especially women, doing what I say when I say. It might take me a minute to get used to you not doing that. And you
didn't hurt my feelings. Just my pride." He grinned at how her mouth opened with the start of a protest. "Now the other question?"
She moved away, and the possibility that she might not answer struck him. That idea annoyed him. He needed to know. As he tried to decide how to make her answer, she turned back to him.
Her hands spread before her in a sort of helpless gesture. "I don't know. I mean, I want you like crazy. Every time you look at me, I melt. But something about me feels like that's a kind of defeat. I'm doing a shitty job of explaining, I know."
He considered for a long moment, while she just stood there like she expected him to kick her out or something. "Okay. I can understand that." He reached for her. "I can't apologize for what I am, Vicki, and I can't change it."
"And what are you? What is it about you that makes me do this?" The helpless look turned something over in him.
What the hell? "Little girl, I'm most people's worst nightmare. I can be a stone cold killer if need be, a thief, a liar. And I couldn't be any different if I wanted to be. But the truth is I don't want to be different. I like what I am. So, I don't know, maybe you have a thing for bad boys."
Her serious expression scared him a little. "I don't know. Maybe this is a bad idea. I should go." She turned away.
"Is that what you want?" Desperation suddenly drove him to reveal a weakness, a vulnerability that she could use against him. "Because I really want you to stay. I like you, little girl. A lot. And right now, I need you." He caught at her hand and drew her back to him. "Don't go?"
"Are you sure? Because, I don't think I can change what I am either. And I don't know how well that mixes with what you are."
Relieved that she seemed willing to stay, he grinned. "It'll never be boring, for sure."
"True." She smiled a little, almost sad looking, and slipped her arms around his neck. The pressure of her nails against the back of his head pulled him down to kiss her.
He leaned in willingly, needful, and claimed her mouth. He lowered his hands to cup under her ass and lifted her to him. Immediately, she swung her legs around him and hung on as he carried her to the bed. Something in him responded to her little moan, and he kept the kiss gentle, despite his desire to simply take all she had to offer.